

Meet the Tutis GIO—the best choice for parents who value style, safety, and convenience. Engineered to handle all of life’s adventures with ease, this lightweight stroller (just 10 kg!) offers TUTIS ALL-ROAD™ Technology Wheels for smooth rides across any terrain. With its one-hand folding system, adjustable handle, and compact design, the GIO is perfect for busy parents navigating city streets or storing the stroller in tight spaces. Its advanced shock absorption system ensures a comfortable ride for your baby, even on bumpy surfaces. Crafted with luxurious design details, eco-friendly materials, and UV50+ protection, the Tutis GIO doesn’t just look good—it’s built to last. Plus, it includes thoughtful touches like a lie-flat seat option, hood extension, and spacious storage basket. Wherever life takes you, the Tutis GIO is here to make every outing stylish, safe, and stress-free.

Forma produktu

Tutis GIO Detský Kočík

$437.48 USD

  • Jednoduché zloženie: Rýchle zloženie jednou rukou
  • Ekologické: Udržateľné materiály
  • Hladká jazda: Všestranné kolesá

Na sklade

Tutis GIO Detský Kočík Recenzie


Meet the Tutis GIO—the best choice for parents who value style, safety, and convenience. Engineered to handle all of life’s adventures with ease, this lightweight stroller (just 10 kg!) offers TUTIS ALL-ROAD™ Technology Wheels for smooth rides across any terrain. With its one-hand folding system, adjustable handle, and compact design, the GIO is perfect for busy parents navigating city streets or storing the stroller in tight spaces. Its advanced shock absorption system ensures a comfortable ride for your baby, even on bumpy surfaces. Crafted with luxurious design details, eco-friendly materials, and UV50+ protection, the Tutis GIO doesn’t just look good—it’s built to last. Plus, it includes thoughtful touches like a lie-flat seat option, hood extension, and spacious storage basket. Wherever life takes you, the Tutis GIO is here to make every outing stylish, safe, and stress-free.

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  • Tutis_GIO_gio-allroad

    TUTIS ALL-ROAD™ Technológia Kolies

    Navrhnuté pre vynikajúci výkon, ponúkajúce výnimočnú trakciu a stabilitu na všetkých typoch terénu. Tieto odolné, prepichnutiu odolné kolesá zabezpečujú hladkú, beznámahovú jazdu, bez ohľadu na podmienky povrchu.

Technické dáta

Tutis GIO Lightweight Stroller Muschino 19
  • Odolný hliník 6061 rám
  • Ekokožené akcenty pre prémiový dotyk
  • 3-vrstvová tkanina s NanoTech a UV 50+ ochrana
Ďalšie údaje
  • Záruka: 2 roky
  • Súlad: Certifikované EN 1888 pre bezpečnosť
  • Vyrobené v: Litva

Udržte svoje malé dieťa v bezpečí a pohodlí s Tutis GIO—kočík, ktorý sa bezproblémovo prispôsobí vášmu životnému štýlu!
