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Junama Diamond Mommy Bag 3 IN 1 Set

€144.95 €159.95Vrátane DPH

Introducing the versatile 3-in-1 diaper bag set by JUNAMA, seamlessly blending distinctive design, practicality, and ample storage capacity. This new... Čítaj viac Čítaj viac

In Stock, Free ShippingObjednávky z Junama sú odoslané do 1-2 pracovných dní po zakúpení. Doručenie zvyčajne trvá 2-5 dní v závislosti od vašej polohy. Produkty Espiro dodávame do rôznych krajín vrátane Rakúska, Belgicka, Bulharskej republiky, Dánska, Estónska, Fínska, Nemecka, Grécka, Maďarska, Írska, Lotyšska, Litvy, Luxemburska, Malty, Holandska, Poľska, Portugalska, Rumunska, Slovenska, Slovinsko, Španielsko a Švédsko.


    Introducing the versatile 3-in-1 diaper bag set by JUNAMA, seamlessly blending distinctive design, practicality, and ample storage capacity.

    This new Mummy Bag proves indispensable for all your excursions with your child, and beyond. The set not only boasts an appealing aesthetic, but it also offers easy maintenance thanks to the use of eco-leather (artificial leather). Within the spacious diaper bag (measuring 50x30x20 cm), you'll find a compact tote bag and a convenient cosmetic pouch.

    Included in the set:

    • Spacious diaper bag (50x30x20 cm)
    • Compact tote bag
    • Handy cosmetic pouch