Kabrioleti rati

Atklājiet labāko kabrioletu ratiņu izvēli, kas paredzēti, lai augtu kopā ar jūsu bērnu un vienkāršotu jūsu dzīvi. No pilsētas piedzīvojumiem līdz ekskursijām bezceļa apstākļos, izpētiet mūsu atlasīto klāstu ar tādiem modeļiem kā  mima, CREO , Espiro Miloo , Kinderkraft Stroller YOXI , un  Kunert IVENTO GLAM .

  • Izpārdošana -9% MIMA Creo Stroller in mocha, perspective view with unzipped canopy, highlighting modern design and comfort. MIMA Creo Stroller in mocha, perspective view with unzipped canopy, highlighting modern aesthetics and functionality.

    Mima Kids mima I CREO Rati

    €795.95  €875.95

    In Stock, Free ShippingOrders for Mima Kids are dispatched the same day if placed by 10 AM, and the next day if placed after 10 PM, with delivery available to Ireland, France, The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Austria, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, typically arriving within 1 to 4 working days depending on the location.

  • Izpārdošana -10% Espiro MIloo Stroller 2 IN 1 in Diamond Black Espiro MIloo Stroller 2 IN 1 in Diamond Black

    Espiro Espiro Miloo ratiņi 2 IN 1

    €949.95  €1,049.95

    In Stock, Free ShippingOrders from Espiro are dispatched within 1-2 days after purchase. Delivery typically takes 2-5 days, depending on your location. We ship Espiro products to a variety of countries, including Albania, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom.

  • Mima XARI MAX stroller with champagne chassis, snow white seat, and black pad, facing mother. Mima XARI MAX stroller with champagne chassis, snow white seat, and black pad, facing mother.

    Mima Kids mima Xari MAX ratiņi


    In Stock, Free ShippingOrders for Mima Kids are dispatched the same day if placed by 10 AM, and the next day if placed after 10 PM, with delivery available to Ireland, France, The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Austria, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, typically arriving within 1 to 4 working days depending on the location.

  • Izpārdošana -9% Kunert Ivento Glam Stroller Color: Ivento Glam White Pearl Frame Color: Golden Frame Combo: 2 IN 1 KIDZNBABY Kunert Ivento Glam Stroller Color: Ivento Glam White Pearl Frame Color: Golden Frame Combo: 2 IN 1 KIDZNBABY

    Kunert Kunert Rati IVENTO GLAM

    €649.95 - €1,019.95

    In Stock, Free ShippingKunert requires up to 3 working days to craft each stroller. Once crafted, the stroller is immediately dispatched, with delivery typically taking between 1-4 working days. We deliver Kunert orders to the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden.

  • Izpārdošana -14% Kinderkraft Stroller YOXI 3 IN 1 in Sand Beige by KIDZNBABY Kinderkraft Stroller YOXI 2 IN 1 in Sand Beige by KIDZNBABY

    Kinderkraft Kinderkraft YOXI ratiņi

    €294.95 - €509.95

    In Stock, Free ShippingKinderkraft orders are shipped every Wednesday. Please place your order by Monday so we have 1-2 days to process it before shipping. If you order after Monday, it will be sent the following week. We deliver to the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece(Mainland only, no islands), Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden.

  • Espiro Yoga Stroller in Stylish Black Espiro Yoga Stroller in Stylish Black

    Espiro Tikai Espiro ratiņi 2 IN 1


    In Stock, Free ShippingOrders from Espiro are dispatched within 1-2 days after purchase. Delivery typically takes 2-5 days, depending on your location. We ship Espiro products to a variety of countries, including Albania, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom.

  • Kunert Stroller Arizo in Black + Gold Kunert Stroller Arizo in Black + Gold

    Kunert Kunert Stroller ARIZO (2024)

    €499.95 - €839.95

    In Stock, Free ShippingKunert requires up to 3 working days to craft each stroller. Once crafted, the stroller is immediately dispatched, with delivery typically taking between 1-4 working days. We deliver Kunert orders to the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden.

  • Tutis X Garbanota Stroller in Fresco by KIDZNBABY Tutis X Garbanota Stroller in Sogno by KIDZNBABY

    Tutis Tutis rati UNO5+ Garbanota

    €849.95 - €1,149.95

  • Izpārdošana -8% Junama Diamond Stroller Sport in Grey by KIDZNBABY Junama Diamond Sport Stroller Color: Sport Grey Combo: 2 IN 1 KIDZNBABY

    Junama Vilcienu Sport ratiņi

    €1,199.95 - €1,499.95

    In Stock, Free ShippingOrders from Junama are dispatched within 1-2 business days after purchase. Delivery typically takes 2-5 days, depending on your location. We ship Espiro products to a variety of countries, including Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden.

  • Kunert Stroller Romantic in Ash Eco Leather with White Frame by KIDZNBABY Kunert Stroller Romantic in Ash Eco Leather with Black Frame by KIDZNBABY

    Kunert Kunert Rati ROMANTIC

    €469.95 - €809.95

    In Stock, Free ShippingKunert requires up to 3 working days to craft each stroller. Once crafted, the stroller is immediately dispatched, with delivery typically taking between 1-4 working days. We deliver Kunert orders to the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden.

  • Tutis Stroller UNO5+ in Matcha by KIDZNBABY Tutis Uno5+ Chateau Grey by KIDZNBABY

    Tutis Tutis ratiņi UNO5+ Earth

    €829.95 - €1,139.95

  • Kinderkraft Nea 2 IN 1 Stroller Color: Platinum Grey KIDZNBABY Kinderkraft Nea 2 IN 1 Stroller Color: Midnight Black KIDZNBABY

    Kinderkraft Kinderkraft NEA ratiņi 2 IN 1


    In Stock, Free ShippingKinderkraft orders are shipped every Wednesday. Please place your order by Monday so we have 1-2 days to process it before shipping. If you order after Monday, it will be sent the following week. We deliver to the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece(Mainland only, no islands), Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden.

Kabrioleti rati Atsauksmes

  • mima CREO Stroller Review from Trustpilot

    Mima CREO apskats

    "Šie MiMa CREO ir absolūti satriecoši! Esmu par to sajūsmā. Ratiņiem ir izturīga konstrukcija, kas sola izturību un uzticamību, viegli vadāmu dažādos apvidos. Tā elegantais un elegantais dizains ar tīrām līnijām un grezniem audumiem padara tos par stilīgiem aksesuārs jebkuram izbraucienam.

    Papildus skaistajam izskatam šie ratiņi ir neticami funkcionāli. Tas ir viegli salokāms, piedāvā plašu uzglabāšanas vietu un pielāgojas mazulim augot, nodrošinot gan komfortu, gan drošību.

    Izsmalcinātām topošajām mammām šie ratiņi ir ideāls stila un praktiskuma sajaukums.

  • Mima XARI MAX Review by Anastasiq

    mima XARI MAX apskats

    "Ļoti jauki un viegli apstrādājami"

  • Junama Sport Review by Mihaela

    Junama SPORT apskats

    "Ratiņi ir lieliski! Nevaru sagaidīt, kad varēšu visu izpakot un vest tajos mazuli! Jūs bijāt ārkārtīgi laipni un laipni!"

  • Junama Fluo Review by Covaciu

    Junama FLUO V3 apskats

    "Prece ir skaista, paldies"

  • Junama Candy review by Chronic Kemo

    Junama CANDY apskats

    "Tiešām izskatīgs un super kvalitatīvs."

  • Kinderkraft NUBI 2 Review by Taniasofia

    Kinderkraft NUBI 2 apskats

    "Skaista, praktiska un viegli lietojama"

  • Espiro Wave review by Patryk

    Espiro WAVE apskats

    "Tas ir absolūti labākais bagijs"

  • Kunert BOOSTER Review by Samanta Bencek

    Kunert BOOSTER apskats

    "Produkts ir izcilas kvalitātes un viegli uzstādāms"

  • Espiro Yoga Stroller Review from Trustpilot

    Espiro YOGA ratiņi

    "Izcila kvalitāte. Šie ratiņi pārvietojas tik gludi un viegli. Audums un krāsa ir vienkārši skaista. Ir viss nepieciešamais, visas ekstras ir fantastiskas! Matracis ir mīksts un ar bambusa pārvalku, kuru var noņemt un mazgāt. Arī iekšpuse no gultiņas, un ratu odere ir mazgājama Krūzes turētājs, lietus aizsargplēves, moskītu tīkls, pieskaņots maisiņš ar izolāciju pudelēm, adapteri - viss ir iekļauts komplektā. neizskaties nekārtīgs.
    Mums tas patīk!"

  • Junama Diamond S-Line Review from Trustpilot

    Junama Diamond S-LINE V3 apskats

    "Ļoti jauks produkts, laba kvalitāte un ļoti jauki materiāli jaundzimušajam."

  • Kinderkraft NUBI 2 Stroller REVIEW by Rebecca

    Kinderkraft NUBI 2 apskats

    "Izcili rati! Pasūtīju, pamatojoties uz aprakstītajām funkcijām un iepriekš redzētajām atsauksmēm, bet, godīgi sakot, mani pārsteidza kvalitāte. Ļoti izturīgi priekš tik viegliem ratiem, ļoti viegli salokāmi un kompakti, tāpēc neaizņem pārāk daudz vietas automašīnā! Kabata ir patiešām ērta tālrunim utt., Atzveltnes ir patiešām ērtākas nekā daži “lielāki” zīmolu nosaukumi, taču tajās nav iespējams atrast citu kļūdu, izņemot lēmumu par pirkumu.

  • Kinderkraft MOOV 2 Review by Clement D.

    Kinderkraft MOOV 2 apskats

    "Esam ļoti apmierināti ar saviem KinderKraft Moov 2 ratiem. Tas, ka kulbiņa pēc tam pārtop par ratiem, ir patiešām lieliski. Šasija ļoti viegli salokās un atlokās. Un paldies par mazo lietus pārsegu, ļoti noder :)"

  • Kinderkraft APINO Stroller Review from Trustpilot

    Kinderkraft APINO ratiņi

    "Ļoti labi ratiņi par cenu. Labi iepakoti un viegli saliekami, labi izskatās un ļoti viegli. Ļoti apmierināts ar savu pirkumu līdz šim. Uzrunājiet arī klientu apkalpošanas dienestu, kas vienmēr ir pieejams, lai atbildētu uz jautājumiem un sniegtu man informāciju piegādes procesa laikā. Paldies "

  • Kinderkraft MOOV 2 Review from Trustpilot

    Kinderkraft MOOV 2 apskats

    "Lieliska cenas un kvalitātes attiecība. Ratiņi izskatās ļoti stabili un ērti lietojami. Man patīk dizains. Ļoti apmierināts ar izvēli, ko izdarīju pēc mēnešiem ilgas meklēšanas. Noteikti iesaku."

  • Kinderkraft NUBI 2 Review from Trustpilot

    Kinderkraft NUBI 2 apskats

    "Brīnišķīgie ratiņi ir mēģinājuši klusi. Ergo zummi tauriņš. Šis bija visērtākais manam 11 mēneša vecumam. Man ir 3 gadus vecs, un viņš tajā pat sēž perfekti, es iegādāšos viņam vēl vienus nākamajiem svētkiem."

  • Kunert Ivento GLAM Review from Trustpilot

    Kunert IVENTO GLAM apskats

    "Man patīk"

  • Kinderkraft MOOV CT Review from Trustpilot

    Kinderkraft MOOV CT apskats

    "Lielisks produkts, praktisks, ātri aizverams un saliekams/izjaucams; Lieliski un izturīgi materiāli"

  • Kinderkraft APINO Stroller Review from Trustpilot

    Kindekraft APINO apskats

    "Ļoti jauki.. Ērta uzglabāšana.."

  • Espiro MILOO Stroller Review from Trustpilot

    Espiro MILOO apskats

    "Prece ir visaugstākā, ņemot vērā cenu. Tajā ir iekļauti gandrīz visi piederumi, kas jums un jūsu mazulim būs nepieciešami, materiālu kvalitāte ir patiešām laba, laba stūre, laba piekare un šķiet diezgan ērta. Zaļā krāsa ir burvīga: D
    Salocītā veidā ir ļoti mazs un viegli pārnēsājams, tiešām ieteicams maziem dzīvokļiem."

  • Mima Xari Max Stroller Review by Florian

    mima XARI MAX apskats

    "Neticami estētisku ratiņu modelis, ļoti izcili vadāmi Super dizains ar unikālo krāsu Ļoti apmierināts ar manu pirkumu"

  • Junama Diamond Sport Stroller Review from Trustpilot

    Junama Diamond Sport ratiņu apskats

    "Tas bija tieši tā, kā aprakstīts"

  • Kinderkraft SIESTA review by Karen B.

    Kindekraft SIESTA APSKATS

    "Super serviss no KIDZNBABY . Lietussarga rati šķiet izcilas kvalitātes ar daudzām jaukām funkcijām par ļoti saprātīgu cenu."

  • Espiro MILOO Stroller Review by KK

    Espiro MILOO apskats

    "Labākie ratiņi, kādus esmu izmantojis!"

  • Junama Diamond AIR Premium Stroller Review

    Junama Diamond AIR Premium apskats

    "AU TOP"

  • Kinderkraft YOXI Stroller Review by Maider

    Kinderkraft YOXI apskats

    "Produkts bija tāds, kā gaidīts: funkcionāls, praktisks un izskatīgs."

  • Kinderkraft APINO Stroller Reviw by Gloria

    Kinderkraft APINO apskats

    "Neliels viegls ērts, kas nepieciešams ikvienam vecākam!!"

  • Kinderkraft NUBI 2 Stroller Review by Natsuki

    Kinderkraft NUBI 2 apskats

    "Neesmu lietojis, bet viss izskatās jauki!"

  • Kinderkraft YOXI Stroller Review by Gloria Valero

    Kinderkraft YOXI ratiņi

    "Ļoti laba prece, pirktu vēlreiz"

Bieži uzdotie jautājumi par Kabrioleti rati

Vai jums ir problēmas atrast vajadzīgo? Sazinieties ar mums tūlīt!

Mima Creo Stroller in Mocha Color Do I need a convertible stroller?

If you are a new parent, or just into parenting, then the convertible stroller might be exactly what you’re looking for. The convertible strollers are versatile and really smart for long-term investment as they adapt to your little one's needs while growing. They transform from single to double strollers; hence, it's the perfect for growing families.

The key benefits include:

  • Long-term Value: No need to buy multiple strollers as your child grows from newborn to toddler.
  • Flexibility: Easily adjust seating positions and configurations.
  • Space-saving: One stroller does the job of several, saving you space.

Ultimately, if you value flexibility, long-term usability, and convenience, a convertible stroller is a smart choice.

Are any strollers compatible with convertible car seats? Are any strollers compatible with convertible car seats?

Yes, most of the convertible strollers are designed to fit convertible car seats, and this is one such lifesaving, very handy way to travel for those parents who are always on the go. The mima CREO fits with the iZi GO X1 Car Seat. Another great model is the Kinderkraft YOXI that pairs well with the MINK PRO Car Seat.

Choose a convertible stroller with sturdy attachments and, in general, ease of use, with versatility in its seating. This is important for safety and ease of use for parents and infants with such bells-and-whistles contraptions.

What are the benefits of a convertible stroller? What are the benefits of a convertible stroller?

A convertible stroller is one of the most important gear for new parents and very busy families. These advantages involve ease of use, in which one can easily convert it to a travel system and effortlessly move your sleeping baby from the car seat into the stroller. This feature makes it very ideal for families with expanding members since it caters to both infants and toddlers, giving them lifelong service.

Another great feature is the compact folding design, which allows for easy storage and makes a stroller very portable for families who have limited space or traveling parents. Convertible strollers can be configured in multiple ways to provide the seating arrangements desired by a parent on the go for comfort both to and for the child.

Convertible Strollers are made of strong material and are designed to be able to sustain daily wear and tear; therefore, such a stroller is for long-term purposes. Also, with innovative safety features like five-point harness systems and all-terrain wheels, parents' minds will be at peace.

Convertible Strollers

  • Woman with Mima Creo Stroller Mocha walking near Eiffel Tower

    What Makes Convertible Strollers a Must-Have?

    Convertible strollers are revolutionizing parenting in ways no parent could ever imagine. The innovative designs adapt to your children's growth, thus helping you to save money over time. The mima CREO and Espiro MILOO models are the best examples of quality and style. With features such as advanced safety mechanisms and premium materials, these strollers guarantee both comfort and peace of mind for parents.

  • Key Features of Our Convertible Strollers

    Our collection of convertible strollers offers a variety of standout features:

    • Innovative Design: Models like the Kinderkraft YOXI and Kunert IVENTO GLAM are built to evolve with your child, offering multiple configurations for different growth stages.
    • Superior Comfort and Safety: With high-quality padding and robust safety harnesses, these strollers prioritize your child's well-being.
    • Versatile Functionality: Perfect for both urban and off-road use, these strollers come with terrain-adaptive wheels and easy maneuverability.
    • Compact Folding Mechanisms: Designed for busy, on-the-go parents, our strollers can be effortlessly folded for convenient storage and transport.
  • Mima Xari MAX stroller in front of the Eiffel Tower with hot air balloons.

    Why Choose Convertible Strollers for Your Family?

    With a convertible stroller, you buy something that is worth more for years to come and really versatile. Our collection ensures that you get the best of both functionality and style. Be it in the streets of your city or through nature trails, these strollers will always meet all your needs. We are offering special deals to subscribed customers, so never at any moment will you need to break the bank for premium quality.