Dječja Kolica

Dječja Kolica Recenzije

  • mima CREO Stroller Review from Trustpilot

    Mima CREO recenzija

    "Ova MiMa CREO su apsolutno zadivljujuća! Apsolutno sam oduševljena njima. Kolica imaju čvrstu konstrukciju koja obećava izdržljivost i pouzdanost, s lakoćom se nose s različitim terenima. Njihov elegantan i šik dizajn, čistih linija i luksuznih tkanina, čini ih elegantnim dodatak za svaki izlazak.

    Osim lijepog izgleda, ova su kolica nevjerojatno funkcionalna. Lako se sklapa, nudi dovoljno prostora za pohranu i prilagođava se kako moja beba raste, osiguravajući udobnost i sigurnost.

    Za sofisticirane buduće mame, ova kolica savršen su spoj stila i praktičnosti."

  • Espiro MILOO Stroller Review from Trustpilot

    Espiro MILOO Recenzija

    "Proizvod je vrhunski s obzirom na cijenu. Uključuje gotovo sve dodatke koji će vam trebati za vas i vašu bebu, kvaliteta materijala je stvarno dobra, lijepo upravljanje, dobar ovjes i djeluje prilično udobno. Zelena boja je divna: D
    Kada se sklopi, super je malen i lak za nošenje, stvarno preporučljiv za male stanove."

  • Espiro Yoga Stroller Review from Trustpilot

    Espiro YOGA kolica

    "Izvrsna kvaliteta. Ova kolica se kreću tako glatko i lako. Tkanina i boja su jednostavno prekrasni. Ima sve što nam treba, svi dodaci su fantastični! Madrac je mekan i ima presvlaku od bambusa koja se može skinuti i prati. Također i unutrašnjost krevetića i podstava za kolica su perivi, folije za zaštitu od kiše, podloga za presvlačenje, odgovarajuća torba s izolacijom za bočicu - sve je uključeno. ne izgleda neuredno.
    Obožavamo to!"

  • Junama Diamond S-Line Review from Trustpilot

    Junama Diamond S-LINE V3 recenzija

    "Jako lijep proizvod, dobre kvalitete i vrlo lijepih materijala za novorođenče."

  • Kinderkraft NUBI 2 Stroller REVIEW by Rebecca

    Recenzija Kinderkraft NUBI 2

    "Briljantna kolica! Naručio sam na temelju opisanih značajki i prethodnih viđenih recenzija, ali bio sam iskreno oduševljen kvalitetom. Vrlo čvrsta za tako lagana kolica, super laka za sklapanje i kompaktna pa ne zauzimaju previše mjesta u autu! Pocket je stvarno zgodan za telefon itd., a položaji u naslonjaču su stvarno udobniji od nekih "većih" marki, ali stvarno ne mogu pronaći zamjerku osim da se ne odlučimo ranije.

  • Kinderkraft MOOV 2 Review by Clement D.

    Kinderkraft MOOV 2 Recenzija

    "Jako smo zadovoljni našim kolicima KinderKraft Moov 2. Činjenica da se nosiljka nakon toga pretvara u kolica je stvarno super. Šasija se vrlo lako sklapa i rasklapa. I hvala vam na maloj navlaci za kišu, vrlo je korisna :)"

  • Kinderkraft APINO Stroller Review from Trustpilot

    Kolica Kinderkraft APINO

    "Vrlo dobra kolica za tu cijenu. Dobro zapakirana i laka za sastavljanje, dobrog izgleda i iznimno lagana. Vrlo sam zadovoljna svojom dosadašnjom kupnjom. Također se obraćam korisničkoj službi koja je uvijek dostupna da odgovori na pitanja i obavijesti me tijekom procesa isporuke. Hvala "

  • Junama Diamond Sport Stroller Review from Trustpilot

    Recenzija Sport kolica Junama Diamond

    "bilo je točno kako je opisano"

  • Kinderkraft MOOV 2 Review from Trustpilot

    Kinderkraft MOOV 2 Recenzija

    "Izvrsna vrijednost za novac. Kolica izgledaju vrlo čvrsto i lako se koriste. Sviđa mi se dizajn. Vrlo sam zadovoljan izborom koji sam napravio nakon višemjesečne potrage. Definitivno preporučujem."

  • Kinderkraft SIESTA review by Karen B.


    "Super usluga od KIDZNBABY . Čini se da su kišobran kolica izvrsne kvalitete s mnogo lijepih značajki po vrlo razumnoj cijeni."

  • Kinderkraft NUBI 2 Review from Trustpilot

    Recenzija Kinderkraft NUBI 2

    "Nevjerojatno utočište za kolica isprobano tiho nekoliko. Ergo zummi butterfly. Ovo je bilo prilično najudobnije za moje 11-mjesečno dijete. Imam 3-godišnjaka i on čak savršeno sjedi u njima. Kupit ću mu još jedna za sljedeći odmor"

  • Espiro MILOO Stroller Review by KK

    Espiro MILOO Recenzija

    "Najbolja kolica koja sam koristio!"

  • Kunert Ivento GLAM Review from Trustpilot

    Kunert IVENTO GLAM Recenzija

    "sviđa mi se"

  • Kinderkraft MOOV CT Review from Trustpilot

    Kinderkraft MOOV CT pregled

    "Izvrstan proizvod, praktičan, brzo se zatvara i sastavlja/rastavlja; Izvrsni i otporni materijali"

  • Kinderkraft APINO Stroller Review from Trustpilot

    Kindekraft APINO recenzija

    "Vrlo lijepo.. Jednostavno skladištenje.."

  • Junama Diamond AIR Premium Stroller Review

    Junama Diamond AIR Premium recenzija

    "AU TOP"

  • Kinderkraft YOXI Stroller Review by Maider

    Kinderkraft YOXI recenzija

    "Proizvod je bio prema očekivanjima: funkcionalan, praktičan i lijepog izgleda."

  • Kinderkraft APINO Stroller Reviw by Gloria

    Kinderkraft APINO recenzija

    "Malo svjetlo koje je potrebno svakom roditelju!!"

  • Kinderkraft NUBI 2 Stroller Review by Natsuki

    Recenzija Kinderkraft NUBI 2

    "Nisam ga koristio, ali sve izgleda lijepo!"

  • Kinderkraft YOXI Stroller Review by Gloria Valero

    Kinderkraft YOXI kolica

    "Jako dobar proizvod, kupio bih ponovno"

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KInderkraft NUBI 2 Strollers Which stroller to buy?

Choosing the right stroller depends on your specific needs. If you have a newborn, a travel system is ideal as it includes a stroller, carrycot, and car seat. Top options include the Mima CREO, Kinderkraft YOXI, Kinderkraft MOOV 2, Kunert IVENTO GLAM, and Junama Diamond S-LINE.

If you have older children, then lightweight strollers will be more appropriate for you, particularly during summertime. Very light models like Kinderkraft NUBI 2, Kinderkraft APINO, and Espiro FLOW are fabulous in this regard. These are also easy to carry and fit active parents who love the outdoors.

When you are planning to buy a stroller, consider factors like the age of your child, your lifestyle, and how often you will use the stroller.

When can baby sit in stroller? When can baby sit in stroller?

Infants should be able to sit in a stroller only when they have properly developed parts that give support to the head and neck—meaning, usually, between 3-6 months of age. This is an important milestone in making sure babies are stable and comfortable sitting in the stroller. Look for back support and multiple recline options in the stroller to add infants.

You will know that the baby is ready for a stroller if you see them in a position with stability. One of the major readiness signs is proper head and neck control. As it not only offers convenience for parents on the go but also introduces your baby to the world, a stroller offers an easy way to get some family bonding and fresh air.

Are strollers allowed on airplanes? Are strollers allowed on airplanes?

Yes, strollers are allowed on a plane. Most airlines allow travelers with babies and toddlers to gate-check their strollers or check them in with their regular baggage allowance. Some airlines allow parents to take compact, collapsible, or umbrella strollers on board with them during the flight if they fits within the carry-on size and weight limits.
Some airline companies, however, have certain limitations on the size and weight of strollers that are allowed onboard. Be sure to check your airline for their stroller policy in advance.

For parents looking for an airport-friendly stroller, think of Kinderkraft NUBI 2 and Kinderkraft APINO stroller. These models are compact, lightweight, and easy to travel with.

It is a good idea to plan ahead and choose a stroller that will meet all your needs and be in compliance with all the requirements of the airlines.


  • Admiring flowers in the city with the Mima Creo Stroller Black and a child.

    The Ultimate Stroller Guide for New Parents

    Of all the choices new parents have to make in baby gear, the one for a stroller is the most important. You're going to take so many journeys with your stroller; you must choose one that fits your lifestyle and budget and addresses long-term needs. Begin by considering the type of use you are most likely to put your stroller into. City dwellers will prefer compact models like Kinderkraft YOXI, which are better for busy streets and public transport. On the other hand, sturdy strollers like Kunert IVENTO GLAM will attract adventurous parents looking for outdoor fun.

    Another important consideration is your budget. It might be very tempting to go for the lowest price, but it's a fact that sometimes spending a little more actually pays off in the long run. A high-quality stroller can last for a while since it quite often sees several children before being resold or repurposed years down the line. Consider the environment-friendly options: top brands are already available with strollers made of sustainable materials, so you will be able to take care of the world while taking care of your baby.

  • Mother holding her baby next to the Kunert Ivento Glam Stroller

    Best Stroller Brands Globally

    We’ve gathered the best strollers from top stroller brands like mima Kids, Kinderkraft, Espiro, Junama Diamond, Kunert, Coccolle, and Greentom. These brands are all about innovative designs and high-quality materials. Plus, we’re committed to sustainability, so you’ll find eco-friendly options that look great and perform well. Rest easy knowing you’ve picked a trusted brand that puts your child's safety first!

  • Woman standing with a Junama Diamond stroller in front of a picturesque castle at sunset, with vibrant skies and grassy foreground.

    Making the Right Choice for Your Family

    Getting the right stroller for your family means much more than just the appearance of a fine stroller; it is about a partner in your parenting journey. Our handpicked collection makes sure that you will find a stroller matching your needs. Our customer service team is always ready to provide expert advice, helping you feel confident in your selection.

    Our collection includes some of the finest strollers in the world, so you can be assured that quality will come hand-in-hand with style. The Mima CREO is an ingenious design with a luxurious feel—fashionable parents adore it. The Espiro MILOO excels both in comfort and safety to keep your precious cargo cocooned and safe inside. Kinderkraft YOXI boasts nearly the lightest frame on the market, allowing great mobility and handling with ease, thus making it an excellent choice for city life.

    For parents seeking a touch of both elegance and functionality, the Kunert IVENTO GLAM offers a chic way out with practical features. The Junama Diamond S-LINE is an excellent mix of robust structure and chic looks, finished with perfected suspension systems for every road condition. Not least is the Kinderkraft NUBI 2, which offers much-needed versatility through its multiple seating configurations to adjust itself along your child's growth.

    Each one of these models comes to the consumer strictly tested in terms of safety and offers unique features for different lifestyles, so there's a perfect fit for every family.