
Coccolle turvatool Elona tagab mugavuse ja ohutuse lastele vanuses 4-12 aastat. Sellel on ergonoomiline disain, reguleeritav peatugi, lamamisasendid ja täiustatud turvasüsteemid, sealhulgas Isofix ja küljekaitse. UN R129/03 standardite järgi sertifitseeritud, pakub see usaldusväärset kaitset ja lihtsat paigaldamist igaks reisiks.

Mother with her daugther sitting in the Coccolle Car Seat ELONA iSize Greystone
Little girl sitting in Coccolle Car Seat ELONA iSize Greystone
Toote vorm

Coccolle ELONA turvatool iSize

€119.95Sealhulgas käibemaks

50 tooted Laos. In Stock

Coccolle ELONA turvatool iSize Ulevaated


Coccolle turvatool Elona tagab mugavuse ja ohutuse lastele vanuses 4-12 aastat. Sellel on ergonoomiline disain, reguleeritav peatugi, lamamisasendid ja täiustatud turvasüsteemid, sealhulgas Isofix ja küljekaitse. UN R129/03 standardite järgi sertifitseeritud, pakub see usaldusväärset kaitset ja lihtsat paigaldamist igaks reisiks.

Mother with her daugther sitting in the Coccolle Car Seat ELONA iSize Greystone
Little girl sitting in Coccolle Car Seat ELONA iSize Greystone

Coccolle ELONA turvatool iSize

Mother with her daugther sitting in the Coccolle Car Seat ELONA iSize Greystone

Peamised eelised

  • Advanced Isofix Safety System
  • Ergonomic, Adjustable Comfort
  • Dual Reclining Positions

Tehnilised andmed

Coccolle Car Seat ELONA iSize Dessert Rose
  • High-quality fabric upholstery
  • Reinforced plastic frame
  • Foam padding for comfort
  • Metal components for Isofix system
Täiendavad andmed
  • Recommended Height: 100-150 cm
  • Recommended Age: 4-12 years
  • Installation: Isofix system
  • Safety Certification: UN R129/03
  • Weight: Approx. 7 kg
  • Color Options: Varies by availability
  • Maintenance: Removable and washable cover

Choose the Coccolle Car Seat ELONA for unparalleled safety, comfort, and convenience, making every car journey a pleasure for both parents and children.